
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

30-Day Shape Slim Down Challenge

We want you to feel better than ever this year, and our Shape Slim Down workout-and-eating plan can help you get there. Follow along with our challenge calendar that includes seven of the biggest fat-burning moves out there, and watch as trainer and Instagram fitness sensation Anna Victoria demonstrates how to perfect these powerful moves.

Who better to push you to reach your full strong-and-sexy potential then the creator of The Fit Body Guides? You’ll repeat each exercise weekly, adding reps as you go along. Combine these mega moves with our healthy eating tips that challenge you to make small changes throughout the month, and you’ll be svelte and slim right on schedule for Valentine’s Day.

Slim Down your Diet

You can't have one without the other—to see serious success this month, complete the fitness challenges simultaneously with our tips to get your diet it tip-top shape.

Day 1: Lose the Blame
Losing weight isn’t about blame or shame. So cast those feelings aside right away. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself—that only makes it harder.

Read more on: Shape - 30 Day Shape Slim Down Challenge

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